

Total Teaching Hours For Semester : 60                                                                                                                                                                                                          No of Lecture Hours/Week : 4

Max Marks : 100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Credits : 4

Course Description and Course Objectives:

Course Description: This course is designed to cover basics of investments including various avenues of investments from individual and corporate perspectives. It also deals with the fundamentals of investments in securities along with the risk- return analysis. It also concentrates on valuation of securities, fundamental and technical analysis. This course also covers the portfolio theory, construction of portfolio, evaluation and revision of portfolio.


Course Objectives:

To familiarize the learners with various investment avenues.

To make the students to know risk-return analysis for equity shares of the companies.

To enable the learners to carry out fundamental and technical analysis for various companies.

To facilitate the students in valuation of equity shares and bonds / debentures.

To make the students to understand how to construct, Evaluate and Revise the portfolio.

Course Outcomes

1.CO-1 - To make a clear difference between various investment avenues

2.CO-2 - To perform risk-return analysis for equity shares of the companies

3.CO-3 - To carry out fundamental and technical analysis for various companies

4.CO-4 - To compute the value of equity shares and bonds / debentures

5.CO-5 - To construct, Evaluate and Revise the portfolio of equity shares

Unit-1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Teaching Hours:10

Syllabus Unit Mapping

1.Development Needs:National,Global,Regional,Local,

2.Skill Focused:Entrepreneurship,

3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:Environment,

UNIT-I Introduction to Investment and Investment Avenues

Introduction – Meaning of investment – Comparison between Savings, Investment, Speculation and gambling – Objectives of Investment - Factors influencing investment decisions –Steps in and process of Investment – Investment alternatives and avenues – Real assets and Financial assets -  company shares, debentures, Govt bonds, convertible securities, hybrid securities, fixed deposits, Gilt- edged securities, post office schemes, employee and public provident funds, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Real estate and Insurance schemes - Investment attributes - risk, return, security, marketability, liquidity and convenience

Unit-2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Teaching Hours:10

Syllabus Unit Mapping

1.Development Needs:Global,

2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Employability,

3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:Environment,

UNIT-II Risk and Return Analysis

Introduction – Meaning and concept of risk and return - computation of return - concept of total risk, factors contributing to total risk, systematic and unsystematic risk - measurement of risk - Computation and interpretation of risk through standard deviation, coefficient of variation and Beta –– Use of beta in estimating returns – concept and calculation of Covariance, Correlation Coefficient 

Unit-3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Teaching Hours:10

Syllabus Unit Mapping

1.Development Needs:Global,National,Local,Regional,

2.Skill Focused:Employability,

3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

UNIT-III Modern Portfolio Theory

Introduction – Return on portfolio - Risk of portfolio - Portfolio theory - Approaches - Selection of Portfolio and Markowitz Efficient Frontier - Capital Asset Pricing model, Single index model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Capital Market Line and Security Market Line. Portfolio Construction – Evaluation of portfolio – Sharpe’s ratio, Jensen’s alpha and Treynor’s ratio – Portfolio revision.

Unit-4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Teaching Hours:8

Syllabus Unit Mapping

1.Development Needs:National,Global,

2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Employability,

3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:Professional Ethics,

UNIT ? IV Security Analysis

Introduction to security analysis - Fundamental analysis – company, industry and economy analysis - Technical Analysis of stock - points and figures chart, bar chart, Indicators and Oscillators - ROC, RSI, Volume of Trade, Support and Resistance Level, Exponential Moving Average Analysis, MACD, Japanese Candlesticks

Unit-5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Teaching Hours:8

Syllabus Unit Mapping

1.Development Needs:Global,Regional,

2.Skill Focused:Employability,Skill Development,

3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:Professional Ethics,

UNIT ? V Valuation of Securities

Introduction to valuation – Meaning and concept of value and valuation - Factors influencing value and valuation - Methods of equity valuation – Intrinsic valuation Approach – (Discounted cash flow method: Dividend capitalization model and Earnings capitalization model) – Relative valuation approach: Multiplier method - Efficient Market theory – Behavioural finance – the Irrational influences



Unit-6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Teaching Hours:8

Syllabus Unit Mapping

1.Development Needs:Global,National,

2.Skill Focused:Employability,Skill Development,

3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:Professional Ethics,Environment,

UNIT ?VI Bond Valuation and Analysis

                                                                             Introduction to bond– Meaning, characteristics and types of bonds – Bond returns – Concept of yield – Current yield – Yield-to-Maturity – Yield-to-Call - Price-yield relationship – Bond valuation

Unit-7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Teaching Hours:6

Syllabus Unit Mapping

1.Development Needs:Global,National,

2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Employability,

3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:Professional Ethics,

UNIT-VII Portfolio Management and Evaluation

 Specification of Investment objectives and constraints – Selection of Asset Mix – Formulation of Portfolio Strategy – Selection of Securities – Portfolio execution – Portfolio revision - Evaluation of portfolio – Sharpe’s ratio, Jensen’s alpha and Treynor’s ratio – Portfolio revision



Essential References:

Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

Recommended References:

Reference Books:

Avadhani, V.A. (2013). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Himalaya Publications

Bhalla, V.K. (2013). Investment Management. New Delhi: S. Chand

Fischer D.E. (2012). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Pearson Education

Madhumati, R.M. (2012). Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education.

Evaluation Pattern






School of Business and Management

CHRIST (Deemed to be University)

Course Plan Undergraduate Programmes



Bachelor of Business Administration Finance and International Business

Academic Year


Course Code & Name

BFIB441 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

Course Type

Program Core



Hours & Credits

(1 Credit = 15 hours)

60 hours and 4 Credits

Course Anchor

Dr Arjun B.S

Course Facilitators at Bangalore, Central Campus

Course Facilitators at Bangalore, BGR Campus

Dr Deepika S R

Course Facilitators at Bangalore, Kengeri Campus

Course Facilitators at Delhi, NCR Campus

Course Facilitators at Yashwantpur Campus

Mr Shabarisha

Course Anchor & Faculty Contact information

Dr Arjun B.S

Class Guidelines

  • All students are required to adhere to the norms of conduct as specified in the Class Guidelines Document of School of Business and Management.
  • Students are expected to observe the discipline and maintain the decorum in the class.
  • Students are encouraged to raise their queries, participate in the class and enhance the learning environment of the class.
  • Students are further expected to submit their assignments and projects on time failing which, class attendance for class / internal assessment as the case may be of the concerned students would be negatively affected.
  • Pre Reading from the assigned material for all the classes is compulsory.
  • Separate note book for the subject is to be maintained by the student.
  • A simple/normal calculator is to be carried by the student through out the time of all the classes.
  • Student should copy the notes and learn the portions covered in the missed classes before the next class.
  • Course Description

    This course is designed to cover basics of investments including various avenues of investments from individual and corporate perspectives. It also deals with the fundamentals of investments in securities along with the risk- return analysis. It also concentrates on valuation of securities, fundamental and technical analysis. This course also covers the portfolio theory, construction of portfolio, evaluation and revision of portfolio.

    Course Objectives

  • To acquaint learners with the investment environment with the different investment options and their attributes
  • To equip the students to perform the risk return analysis of securities
  • To enable the learners to analyze the securities by applying fundamental and technical analysis
  • To enable the learners to apply appropriate methods to value the securities
  • To equip the students in constructing, evaluating and revising a portfolio.
  • Course Outcomes (CO)

    CLO1 Distinguish among various investment avenues

    CLO2 Asses the risk-return for equity shares of the companies

    CLO3 Choose stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis

    CLO4 Estimate the value of equity shares and bonds / debentures

    CLO5 Construct, Evaluate and Revise the portfolio of equity shares

    Course Focus

    Course Focus

    Topic details (Mention the Unit number in brackets for each of the topics)

    Domain Skills

    Needs met

    Local -

    Regional -

    National Unit I

    International Unit I, II, IV and VII

    Cross Cutting Issues Addressed

    Professional Ethics

    SDG Goal

    Financial Inclusion


    Programme Learning Goals (PLGs)

    Programme Learning Objectives (PLO)

    Course Objectives (CO)

    Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

    Revised Blooms Taxonomy Level (RBTL)

    Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

    End Semester Examination (ESE)


    Syllabus Coverage

    Module/ Unit /Topic number and title

    Module/ Unit /Topic details (Topics under the unit)

    Week (starting and end dates)

    Hours per week

    Teaching learning methods used)/ activities and or class trips/ dates for assessment

    Resource/ Reference details

    UNIT I: Introduction to Investment & Investment Avenues

    Introduction Meaning of investment Comparison between Savings, Investment, Speculation and gambling Objectives of Investment - Factors influencing investment decisions Steps in and process of Investment Investment alternatives and avenues Real assets and Financial assets - company shares, debentures, Govt bonds, convertible securities, hybrid securities, fixed deposits, Gilt- edged securities, post office schemes, employee and public provident funds, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Real estate and Insurance schemes - Investment attributes - risk, return, security, marketability, liquidity and convenience

    6th December to 23rd December


    Teaching Methods Used:

  • Lecture method
  • Classroom Discussion Guest Speakers
  • Case Analysis
  • Debate encourages critical thinking
  • News Paper articles
  • PPT
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheet
  • ICT Tools Used:

  • Google Class Room
  • Menti Meter
  • Canva
  • Blogs
  • Spreadsheet
  • Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

    Prasanna Chandra (2021), 6th Edition Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill

    UNIT II Risk and Return Analysis

    Risk and return - computation of return - concept of total risk, factors contributing to total risk, systematic and unsystematic risk - measurement of risk - Computation and interpretation of risk through standard deviation, coefficient of variation and Beta Use of beta in estimating returns concept and calculation of Covariance, Correlation Coefficient ( all theory and practical problems)

    2nd January to 13th January


    Teaching Methods Used:

  • Lecture method
  • Classroom Discussion Guest Speakers
  • Case Analysis
  • Debate encourages critical thinking
  • News Paper articles
  • PPT
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheet
  • ICT Tools Used:

  • Google Class Room
  • Menti Meter
  • Canva
  • Blogs
  • Spreadsheet
  • Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

    Prasanna Chandra (2021), 6th Edition Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill

    UNIT III Modern Portfolio Theory

    Introduction Return on portfolio - Risk of portfolio - Portfolio theory - Approaches - Selection of Portfolio and Markowitz Efficient Frontier - Capital Asset Pricing model, Single index model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Capital Market Line and Security Market Line. Portfolio Construction Evaluation of portfolio Sharpes ratio, Jensens alpha and Treynors ratio Portfolio revision.

    15th January to 10th February


    Teaching Methods Used:

  • Lecture method
  • Classroom Discussion Guest Speakers
  • Case Analysis
  • Debate encourages critical thinking
  • News Paper articles
  • PPT
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheet
  • ICT Tools Used:

  • Google Class Room
  • Menti Meter
  • Canva
  • Blogs
  • Spreadsheet
  • Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

    Prasanna Chandra (2021), 6th Edition Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill

    UNIT IV Security Analysis

    Introduction to security analysis - Fundamental analysis company, industry and economy analysis - Technical Analysis of stock - points and figures chart, bar chart, Indicators and Oscillators - ROC, RSI, Volume of Trade, Support and Resistance Level, Exponential Moving Average Analysis, MACD, Japanese Candlesticks

    15th February to 8th March


    Teaching Methods Used:

  • Lecture method
  • Classroom Discussion Guest Speakers
  • Case Analysis
  • Debate encourages critical thinking
  • News Paper articles
  • PPT
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheet
  • ICT Tools Used:

  • Google Class Room
  • Menti Meter
  • Canva
  • Blogs
  • Spreadsheet
  • Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

    Prasanna Chandra (2021), 6th Edition Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill

    UNIT V Valuation of Securities

    Introduction to valuation Meaning and concept of value and valuation - Factors influencing value and valuation - Methods of equity valuation Intrinsic valuation Approach (Discounted cash flow method: Dividend capitalization model and Earnings capitalization model) Relative valuation approach: Multiplier method - Efficient Market theory Behavioural finance the Irrational influences

    10th March to 24th March


    Teaching Methods Used:

  • Lecture method
  • Classroom Discussion Guest Speakers
  • Case Analysis
  • Debate encourages critical thinking
  • News Paper articles
  • PPT
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheet
  • ICT Tools Used:

  • Google Class Room
  • Menti Meter
  • Canva
  • Blogs
  • Spreadsheet
  • Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

    Prasanna Chandra (2021), 6th Edition Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill

    UNIT VI Bond Valuation and Analysis

    Introduction to bond Meaning, characteristics and types of bonds Bond returns Concept of yield Current yield Yield-to-Maturity Yield-to-Call - Price-yield relationship Bond valuation

    4th April to 10th April


    Teaching Methods Used:

  • Lecture method
  • Classroom Discussion Guest Speakers
  • Case Analysis
  • Debate encourages critical thinking
  • News Paper articles
  • PPT
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheet
  • ICT Tools Used:

  • Google Class Room
  • Menti Meter
  • Canva
  • Blogs
  • Spreadsheet
  • Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

    Prasanna Chandra (2021), 6th Edition Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill

    UNIT VII Portfolio Management and Evaluation

    Specification of Investment objectives and constraints Selection of Asset Mix Formulation of Portfolio Strategy Selection of Securities Portfolio execution Portfolio revision - Evaluation of portfolio Sharpes ratio, Jensens alpha and Treynors ratio Portfolio revision

    11th April to

    20th April


    Teaching Methods Used:

  • Lecture method
  • Classroom Discussion Guest Speakers
  • Case Analysis
  • Debate encourages critical thinking
  • News Paper articles
  • PPT
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheet
  • ICT Tools Used:

  • Google Class Room
  • Menti Meter
  • Canva
  • Blogs
  • Spreadsheet
  • Punitavathi Pandian (2013), Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi: Vikas Publications.

    Prasanna Chandra (2021), 6th Edition Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill



    Course Outcomes

    Programme Outcomes (please take up the strength mapping here; map your COs to POs at

    - : No alignment, 1: Low Alignment, 2: Moderate Alignment, 3: High alignment Please note PO=PLO)













    Distinguish among various investment avenues


    Asses the risk-return for equity shares of the companies


    Choose stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis


    Estimate the value of equity shares and bonds / debentures


    Construct, Evaluate and Revise the portfolio of equity shares


    PLG : Problem Solving

    PLO: 4.2a Identify alternative solutions

    4.2b Recommend a feasible solution with justifications

    Sl. No

    Course Objectives

    Parameters of


    Component of Assessment (including ESE)

    Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)


    To acquaint learners with the investment environment with the different investment options and their attributes

    4.2a Identify alternative solutions

    4.2b Recommend a feasible solution with justifications


    Distinguish among various investment avenues


    To equip the students to perform the risk return analysis of securities

    4.1a Identify and analyse the business issues


    Asses the risk-return for equity shares of the companies


    To enable the learners to analyze the securities by applying fundamental and technical analysis

    4.2a Identify alternative solutions

    4.2b Recommend a feasible solution with justifications


    Choose stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis


    To enable the learners to apply appropriate methods to value the securities

    4.2a Identify alternative solutions

    4.2b Recommend a feasible solution with justifications


    Estimate the value of equity shares and bonds / debentures


    To equip the students in constructing, evaluating and revising a portfolio

    4.2a Identify alternative solutions

    4.2b Recommend a feasible solution with justifications


    Construct, Evaluate and Revise the portfolio of equity shares

    Assessment Outline

    Component of Assessment

    Description of the Assessment

    Units covered

    Maximum Marks


    Total Marks

    CIA IA

    Goal based Financial Planning

    Unit 1




    CIA IB

    Risk-Return Calculation using Excel

    Unit 2




    CIA II (MSE)


    Unit 1,2,3 and 4





    Virtual Trading (minimum 20 trades)

    Unit 4






    Unit 5 and 6








    All Units



    School Guidelines & Cohort guidelines applicable for the assessments

    Minimum class attendance percentage for submission of assignments

    Submission of drafts for feedback

    Opportunities given for improvement

    Penalty for late/ non submission (As per the School/University policy)

    Plagiarism prevention guidelines (As per the School/University policy)


    5% of marks for each day of late submission

    Mapping the Course Outcomes with the components of assessment

    Course Outcomes

    Components of assessment

    CIA I A

    CIA I B

    CIA II




    CO 1 Distinguish among various investment avenues



    CO 2 Asses the risk-return for equity shares of the companies



    CO 3 Choose stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis



    CO 4 Estimate the value of equity shares and bonds / debentures



    CO 5 Construct, Evaluate and Revise the portfolio of equity shares




    CIA IA Details

    Course Objectives

    To acquaint learners with the investment environment with the different investment options and their attributes

    Individual Assignment Details

    Goal Based Financial Planning

    Assignment description

    The Goal-Based Financial Planning Assessment is designed to evaluate an individual's proficiency in developing comprehensive financial plans tailored to specific life objectives. This assessment aims to assess the candidate's ability to understand and analyze financial goals, create realistic and achievable plans, and provide strategic recommendations to meet those objectives. The assessment should cover key aspects of financial planning, including budgeting, investment strategies, risk management, and retirement planning, all with a focus on aligning financial decisions with specific life goals.

    Submission mode

    Google Classroom

    Submission deadline

    4th January

    Individual/Group Assignment

    Group Submission

    Submission Guidelines

    Word limit of the assignment

    Typed/Handwritten Typed with required infographics

    Front page details -

    Font, font size, margins, etc.

    Evaluation Rubric CIA IA

    PLG: Problem Solving

    PLO: Evaluate complex business issues and their implications

    Propose solutions for complex business problems to operate effectively in the dynamic

    business environment

    CLO: Distinguish among various investment avenues

    Maximum Marks (Converted to): 10 Marks

    Criteria / Weightage*






    CLO Distinguish among various investment avenues

    PLO 4.1: Evaluate complex business issues and their implications (RBTL5)

    Goal Identification

    Demonstrates exceptional ability to identify and prioritize both short-term and long-term financial goals with a high level of specificity and relevance.

    Effectively identifies and prioritizes financial goals, demonstrating a good understanding of needs and aspirations.

    Identifies financial goals but lacks some specificity or may not fully align with needs.

    Goal identification is vague or lacks clarity, and may not fully align with needs.

    Poor or insufficient identification of financial goals.

    Financial Analysis

    Conducts a comprehensive and insightful financial analysis, considering income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Provides a nuanced understanding the financial situation.

    Conducts a thorough financial analysis, demonstrating a good understanding of key financial indicators.

    Conducts a basic financial analysis but may overlook some important financial factors.

    Financial analysis is limited and lacks depth or accuracy.

    Poor or inadequate financial analysis.

    CLO Distinguish among various investment avenues

    PLO 4.2: Propose solutions for complex business problems to operate effectively in the dynamic business environment (RBTL6)

    Risk Assessment and Management

    Develops robust strategies for risk assessment and management, showing a clear understanding of various risk factors and their impact on financial plans.

    Effectively identifies and addresses risk factors in financial planning but may lack some depth or specificity.

    Identifies some risk factors but may not provide comprehensive strategies for risk management.

    Limited understanding and application of risk assessment and management principles.

    Poor or no consideration of risk factors in financial planning.

    Investment Planning

    Recommends highly effective and tailored investment strategies based on a thorough understanding of the client's risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial goals.

    Recommends solid investment strategies aligned with the client's profile but may lack some depth or originality.

    Recommends basic investment strategies but may not fully consider client preferences or risk tolerance.

    Recommendations are generic or not well-aligned with the client's profile.

    Poor or no consideration of investment strategies in the financial plan.

    CIA IB Details

    Course Outcomes

    To equip the students to perform the risk return analysis of securities

    Individual Assignment Details

    Risk-Return Calculation using Spreadsheet

    Assignment description

    The Risk-Return Calculation Assessment is designed to evaluate an individual's proficiency in assessing investment risk and return, with a specific focus on the application of beta, covariance, and correlation coefficient. Students have to choose five companys (or will be assigned by the faculty members) and have to compute both risk and return through various techniques like variance, standard deviation, beta, covariance etc which are discussed in the class.

    Submission mode

    Google Classroom

    Submission deadline

    14th January

    Individual/Group Assignment


    Submission Guidelines

    Word limit of the assignment

    Typed/Handwritten -

    Front page details -

    Font, font size, margins, etc.

    Evaluation Rubric CIAIB

    PLG Problem Solving

    PLO Evaluate complex business issues and their implications

    Propose solutions for complex business problems to operate effectively in the dynamic business environment

    CLO Asses the risk-return for equity shares of the companies

    Maximum Marks (Converted to): 10

    Criteria / Weightage*






    CLO Asses the risk-return for equity shares of the companies

    PLO Evaluate complex business issues and their implications (RBTL5)

    Beta Calculation

    Demonstrates an exceptional ability to accurately calculate beta for Asset A and Asset B, providing detailed steps and assumptions.

    Calculates beta accurately for both assets with minor errors or omissions.

    Calculates beta with some errors or lacks clarity in the explanation.

    Calculates beta with major errors, affecting the accuracy of results.

    Fails to calculate beta or provides incorrect calculations.

    Covariance and Correlation Coefficient


    Calculates covariance and Correlation Coefficient accurately, demonstrating a deep understanding of the formula and its implications.

    Calculates covariance and Correlation Coefficient accurately with minor errors or omissions.

    Calculates covariance and Correlation Coefficient with some errors or lacks clarity in the explanation.

    Calculates covariance and Correlation Coefficient with major errors, affecting the accuracy of results.

    Fails to calculate covariance or provides incorrect calculations.

    CLO Asses the risk-return for equity shares of the companies

    PLO Propose solutions for complex business problems to operate effectively in the dynamic business environment (RBTL6)

    Risk-Return Analysis

    Provides a comprehensive risk-return analysis, integrating beta, covariance, and correlation coefficient insights effectively.

    Provides a solid risk-return analysis with minor gaps or less detailed insights.

    Provides a basic risk-return analysis with some important considerations missing.

    Risk-return analysis is limited and lacks depth or accuracy.

    Fails to provide a meaningful risk-return analysis.

    Clarity and Organization AND Use of Formulas and Concepts

    Presents the document in a well-organized manner with clear labels and headings.


    Correctly applies relevant formulas and concepts throughout the assessment.

    Presents the document in an organized manner, but may lack some clarity or structure.


    Applies most formulas and concepts correctly but may make minor errors.

    Presents the document adequately but may lack organization, making it challenging to follow.


    Applies some formulas and concepts with major errors or omissions.

    Document organization is poor and affects readability.


    Incorrectly applies key formulas and concepts, affecting the overall accuracy.

    Document is disorganized and difficult to follow.


    Fails to apply relevant formulas and concepts.

    CIA II Details

    Course Outcomes

    Choose the stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis

    Individual Assignment Details

    Case Study

    Assignment description

    Case Study

    Submission mode


    Submission deadline


    Individual/Group Assignment


    Submission Guidelines

    Word limit of the assignment

    Typed/Handwritten -

    Front page details -

    Font, font size, margins, etc.

    Evaluation Rubric CIAII

    PLG Problem Solving

    PLO: Evaluate complex business issues and their implications

    PLO: Propose solutions for complex business problems to operate effectively in the dynamic business environment

    CLOChoose the stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis

    Maximum Marks (Converted to): 15

    Criteria / Weightage*






    Identification core issues/problems of the case

    CLO -3

    PLO 4.2

    Identified exactly the issues and problems

    Identified issues and problems of the case but not exactly

    Not exactly Identified the issues and problems but something related to the problem

    Partially Identified the issues and problems

    Problem identified is irrelevant to the case

    Appropriate method/technique used, Correct formula and correct answer

    CLO -3 PLO 4.2

    Appropriate method(s) used and correct formula and correct answer

    Appropriate method(s) used and correct formula but incorrect answer

    Appropriate method(s) used, correct formula and answer is partially correct

    The method is incorrect, correct formula used and correct answer

    The method is incorrect, correct formula used and incorrect answer

    Decision Criteria with proper explanation

    CLO -3 PLO 4.2

    The decision taken is as per standard decision criteria, correct explanation given

    The decision taken is as per standard decision criteria, somewhat correct explanation given

    The decision taken is as per standard decision criteria, but not properly explained

    The decision taken is not as per standard decision criteria, but correct explanation

    The decision taken is not as per standard decision criteria, no explanation

    CIA III Details

    Course Outcomes

    Choose stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis

    Individual Assignment Details

    Virtual Trading

    Assignment description

    Students have to make informed investment decisions by combining fundamental and technical analysis by doing a virtual Trade in money Bhai platform. In this assignment, you will choose stocks from different companies based on a thorough evaluation of both fundamental and technical factors. And maintain and an excel sheet to record the various details of trade activities

    Submission mode

    Google Classroom

    Submission deadline

    10th March

    Individual/Group Assignment


    Submission Guidelines

    Word limit of the assignment

    Typed/Handwritten Type

    Front page details -

    Font, font size, margins, etc.

    Evaluation Rubric CIAIIIA

    PLG4 Problem Solving

    PLO 4.1: Evaluate complex business issues and their implications

    PLO 4.2: Propose solutions for complex business problems to operate effectively in the dynamic business environment

    CLOChoose the stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis

    Maximum Marks (Converted to):

    Criteria / Weightage*






    CLO Choose stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis

    PLO Evaluate complex business issues and their implications

    Company Selection

    Specific Reasons for selecting stocks, Quantity of the stocks

    Partial details of Specific Reasons for selecting stocks, Quantity of the stocks

    Lack of details of Specific Reasons for selecting stocks, Quantity of the stocks

    Only one Specific Reasons for selecting stocks, Quantity of the stocks

    Inadequate or No details of Specific Reasons for selecting stocks, Quantity of the stocks

    Fundamental Analysis

    Conducts a comprehensive fundamental analysis of each company, considering key financial statements, ratios, and business fundamentals. Provides insightful commentary on industry trends and competitive advantages.

    Conducts a solid fundamental analysis, covering essential financial metrics and providing relevant insights into business fundamentals.

    Conducts a basic fundamental analysis with some key metrics, but may lack depth or insightful commentary.

    Conducts a limited fundamental analysis, missing key metrics or providing inadequate insights.

    Fails to conduct a meaningful fundamental analysis.

    CLO Choose stocks of companies with the help of fundamental and technical analysis

    Propose solutions for complex business problems to operate effectively in the dynamic business environment

    Technical Analysis

    Performs a thorough technical analysis for each stock, utilizing various indicators, chart patterns, and historical data to identify trends and potential signals. Demonstrates a strong understanding of technical analysis concepts.

    Performs a good technical analysis, using several indicators and historical data to identify trends and signals.

    Performs a basic technical analysis, utilizing some indicators, but may lack depth or overlook important technical factors.

    Performs a limited technical analysis, with major oversights or errors in the application of technical indicators.

    Fails to perform a meaningful technical analysis.

    Integration of Analyses

    Effectively integrates both fundamental and technical analyses to arrive at well-supported investment recommendations. Demonstrates a clear understanding of how each analysis contributes to the overall decision-making process.

    Integrates fundamental and technical analyses to arrive at sound investment recommendations. May lack some depth or clarity in the integration process.

    Integrates fundamental and technical analyses but with limited coherence or clarity in the overall decision-making process.

    Attempts to integrate analyses but with significant gaps or inconsistencies in the decision-making process.

    Fails to effectively integrate fundamental and technical analyses.

    CIA IIIB (10 marks)

    Assignment description:

    Moodle based Quiz consisting of MCQs to test the basic concepts relating to the contents of Units 5, 6 and 7

    Learning outcomes:

    Estimate the value of equity shares and bonds / debentures

    Evaluation Rubric/s:

    20 objective type of questions each correct answer gets the marks

    ESE Question Paper Pattern

    Total Marks: 50

    Duration: 2 Hours


    Number of questions

    Total marks

    Section A

    3 questions with internal choice, each carrying 5 marks


    Section B

    2 questions with internal choice, each carrying 10 marks


    Section C

    Compulsory question Case Study


    Prepared by:

    Dr. Arjun B.S

    Course Anchor


    Reviewed by:


    Approved by:



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