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E-HRM: An Overview

Electronic Human Resource Management, commonly known as E-HRM, is a way of implementing HR strategies, policies, and practices in organizations through a conscious and directed support of and with the full use of web-technology-based channels. It represents a transformation of HR operations through the use of information technology.

Types of E-HRM

E-HRM is typically classified into three broad categories:

1. Operational E-HRM

This type relates to administrative functions and processes that deal with the day-to-day operations of HR. Its primary focus is on processing information for employees. Examples of operational E-HRM include:

  • Employee personal data management
  • Payroll processing
  • Time and attendance tracking
  • Benefits administration

2. Relational E-HRM

This category focuses on supporting business processes by means of training, recruitment, performance management, and other services that connect employees with the organization. Examples of relational E-HRM include:

-Recruitment and selection processes online -Online training and development programs -Performance management systems -Employee self-service portals

3. Transformational E-HRM

Transformational E-HRM is about strategic HR activities that aim to transform the HR function in ways that can contribute to a firm’s competitive advantage. This involves activities that foster change in the organizational structure and culture, such as:

  • Knowledge management
  • Strategic reorientation and business process re-engineering
  • Talent management
  • Succession planning

In recruiting aspect, we have a number of websites for recruiting of employees in industries. Some of the popular and important web sites in India are listed below. - - - - - -

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