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Important Questions


1. Objectives, Functions, and Achievements of UN

Objectives: - The United Nations (UN) was established with the primary objective of maintaining international peace and security. - Promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. - Providing a forum for countries to cooperate on various global issues, including economic development, social progress, environmental sustainability, and more. - Facilitating international cooperation in resolving conflicts and addressing global challenges.

Functions: - Conflict Resolution: The UN plays a crucial role in preventing and resolving conflicts through diplomatic means, peacekeeping missions, and negotiations. - Humanitarian Assistance: It provides humanitarian aid during crises, natural disasters, and conflicts. - Promoting Development: UN agencies work towards economic development, poverty eradication, and sustainable development goals (SDGs). - Protecting Human Rights: The UN monitors and promotes human rights, gender equality, and social justice globally. - International Cooperation: It fosters cooperation among member states to address global challenges, such as climate change and health crises.

Achievements: - Establishment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). - Peacekeeping missions in various conflict zones. - Promoting global development through initiatives like the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). - Contributing to the resolution of international disputes and crises. - Collaborative efforts in addressing health issues, like the fight against HIV/AIDS.


2. IMF and World Bank: Functions, Objectives, Achievements, and Challenges

IMF (International Monetary Fund): - Objectives: To ensure the stability of the international monetary system, promote exchange rate stability, facilitate balanced growth of international trade, provide resources to member countries in need, and reduce poverty. - Functions: Provides financial assistance to countries facing balance of payments crises, conducts economic surveillance, and offers policy advice to member countries. - Achievements: Assisting countries during financial crises, promoting economic stability, and providing financial resources to support member countries' economic programs. - Challenges: Criticisms for imposing strict conditions on loans, concerns about its governance structure, and the need for reforms.

World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD): - Objectives: To reduce poverty, promote economic development, and provide financial and technical assistance for development projects in member countries. - Functions: Provides loans and grants for development projects, conducts research and analysis on global development issues, and offers policy advice to member countries. - Achievements: Funding infrastructure projects, poverty reduction programs, and initiatives to improve education and healthcare in developing countries. - Challenges: Criticisms for environmental and social impacts of projects, governance and accountability concerns, and the need to adapt to changing global development priorities.


3. World Bank and IMF's Association with India

Both the World Bank and the IMF have significant associations with India:

World Bank: - The World Bank has been providing financial and technical assistance to India for various development projects since its independence. - It has supported initiatives related to infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and poverty reduction. - India is one of the largest recipients of World Bank funding, and the partnership continues to address development challenges.

IMF: - India has been a member of the IMF since its inception. - The IMF provides policy advice and financial assistance to India during times of balance of payments crises. - India consults with the IMF on economic and monetary policies, and the IMF conducts periodic assessments of India's economic health.


4. Functioning of WTO and Membership Process

World Trade Organization (WTO): - The WTO is an international organization that deals with global trade issues. - It provides a platform for member countries to negotiate trade agreements, resolve trade disputes, and promote international trade. - Key principles include non-discrimination, transparency, and reciprocity. - The WTO functions through various councils, committees, and dispute settlement mechanisms.

Membership Process: - Countries interested in joining the WTO must negotiate their accession terms, which include commitments to reduce trade barriers and open markets. - The accession process involves bilateral negotiations with existing members and agreement on terms and conditions. - Once negotiations are complete and the terms are agreed upon, the country can become a WTO member upon approval by existing members and ratification by the applicant country's government.

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