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Course Information

Department Business and Management (BGR)
Course Code BBH435
Total Teaching Hours/Sem 60
Lecture Hours/Week 4
Max Marks 100
Credits 4

Course Description

This course provides an understanding of the legal framework governing business entities, focusing on company law and corporate governance. It covers the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, related to the formation, management, and winding up of companies. Additionally, the course explores various theories and practices of corporate governance, internal control systems, and disclosure and reporting requirements.

Course Objectives

  • To introduce learners to Companies Act 2013 and the history of company laws in India.
  • To impart knowledge on the nature, types, and formation of joint-stock companies as per Companies Act 2013.
  • To familiarize students with rules and regulations related to the management and winding up of a company.
  • To explore theories and practices of corporate governance, including recommendations from various committees.
  • To enable students to understand internal control systems, disclosure, and reporting requirements.

Course Outcomes

  1. CO1: Differentiate various types of companies based on their features.
  2. CO2: Incorporate joint stock companies in SPICe+ of MCA.
  3. CO3: Adhere to the provisions of the Companies Act regarding Company Management and Meetings.
  4. CO4: Apply the provisions of the Companies Act in connection to the winding up of a company.
  5. CO5: Appreciate the relevance of corporate governance practices based on various theories and committees on corporate governance.

Units Overview

Unit 1: Introduction to Company Law (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Introduction to Company Law
  • Development of Company Law
  • Objects of Companies Act
  • Meaning and definition of Company
  • Special features of Co.
  • Kinds of Companies
  • Features of various types of companies
  • Differences between Private and Public companies
  • Punishment for improper use of “Limited” or “Private Limited”.

Unit 2: Formation of a Company (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Introduction
  • Incorporation of a Company
  • Role of Promoters
  • Memorandum of Association, Contents and alteration
  • Doctrine of Ultra vires
  • Articles of Association and its contents
  • Difference between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
  • Doctrine of Constructive Notice
  • Doctrine of Indoor Management
  • Exceptions to Doctrine of Indoor Management
  • Certificate of Incorporation and Commencement of Business
  • Prospectus and its contents
  • Statement in lieu of Prospectus
  • Understanding SPICe+ of MCA in registering a company in India

Unit 3: Company Management and Meetings (Teaching Hours: 12)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning, Definition, Rights and Duties of managerial personnel
  • Appointment of key managerial personnel
  • Directors - Types of directors
  • Position, Powers, Duties, and Liability of Directors
  • Appointment, Removal, and disqualification of Directors
  • Types of Committees
  • Managerial Remuneration
  • Auditor – Role, Appointment, and Rotation
  • Company Meetings
  • Meetings of Board of Directors
  • Meetings of Shareholders
  • Statutory Meeting
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Extraordinary General

Unit 4: Winding Up of a Company (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Introduction
  • Meaning and Definition
  • Types of winding up
  • Winding up by the Court
  • Voluntary winding up
  • Winding up subject to the supervision of the Court
  • Company Liquidator - Meaning and Definition
  • Appointment, Duties, Powers, and Liabilities of Liquidator
  • Preferential payments
  • Overriding preferential payments
  • Settlement of the list of contributories and application of assets
  • Removal and Replacement of Liquidator
  • Effect of winding up order
  • Stay of suits, etc., on winding up order
  • Consequences of winding up
  • Audit of Company Liquidator's accounts
  • Final meeting and dissolution of the company

Unit 5: An Overview of Corporate Governance (Teaching Hours: 6)

  • Introduction
  • Role and purpose of Corporation
  • Concept of Corporate Governance
  • Definitions of Corporate Governance
  • History of Corporate governance
  • Issues in Corporate governance
  • Need and Importance of Corporate governance
  • Theories of Corporate Governance - Stewardship theory, Agency theory, Stakeholder theory
  • Committees and their recommendations on Corporate Governance - Cadbury Committee, Sarbanes-Oxley, Naresh Chandra Committee, Kumar Mangalam, Birla Committee, Narayana Murthy Committee, Kotak Committee, and Shri Uday Kotak Committee

Unit 6: Internal Control (Teaching Hours: 6)

  • Introduction – Meaning and Objectives of Internal Control
  • Role and importance of Management and Auditor in Internal Control
  • Mechanism of the internal control system
  • Corporate Governance and Internal Control.

Unit 7: Disclosure and Reporting Requirements (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Introduction
  • Disclosures as per the Companies Act, 2013
  • Disclosures - Financial and Non-Financial
  • Financial and Operating Results, Company objectives, Ownership, Related party transactions, Board, Remuneration of the boards, Risk Factor.

Essential References

  • Core Text: N.D.Kapoor on Company Law, Charles Wild and Stuart Weinstein Smith and Keenan, Company Law, Pearson Longman, 2009
  1. C.A.Kamal Garg, Bharat's Corporate and Allied Laws, 2013
  2. Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Companies Act 2013, CCH Wolter Kluver Business, 2013
  3. Lexis Nexis, Corporate Laws 2013 (Palmtop Edition)
  4. Avtar Singh: Company Law

Evaluation Pattern

Component Maximum Marks Weightage Total Marks in Final Grade
CIA1 20 20% 20
CIA2 25 25% 25
CIA3 20 20% 20
ESE 30 30% 30
Attendance 05 5% 5
Total 100 100% 100 marks
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