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Course Information

Department Business and Management (BGR)
Course Code BFIB442B
Total Teaching Hours/Sem 60
Lecture Hours/Week 4
Max Marks 100
Credits 4

Course Description

This course deals with various forms of financial products in social finance, including microfinance, and focuses on creating sustainable social value in the social sector. It also covers innovations in social finance and the development of skills needed for using crowdfunding.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the concept of impact investing and social entrepreneurship.
  • Provide a comprehensive framework on social issues.
  • Develop innovative business ideas with a strong social mission.
  • Create 'market ready' social enterprises.

Course Outcomes

  1. CO-1: Understanding the concept of social finance and stakeholders.
  2. CO-2: Knowledge of the historical origins of social finance and impact investing.
  3. CO-3: Synthesize opportunities and barriers to impact investing.
  4. CO-4: Exhibit knowledge of sustainable finance and its relevance to Sustainability Development Goals.

Units Overview

Unit 1: Introduction to Social Finance (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Meaning, Definitions, Concepts of Social Finance
  • Stakeholders of Social Finance
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Finance
  • Legal Framework, Future, Spectrum, and Lifecycle of Social Finance
  • Instruments of Social Finance

Unit 2: Sustainable Finance in Context (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Concept of Sustainability, MDG and SDG Goals
  • International Agreements on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
  • The Five Pillars of Sustainable Finance
  • Green Bonds and Green Loans
  • Introduction to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors

Unit 3: Introduction to Microfinance (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Meaning, Definition, Features of Microfinance
  • Stakeholders in Microfinance
  • Stakeholders Demand for Financial Products
  • Role of Traditional Financial System

Unit 4: Social Financial Inclusion (Teaching Hours: 6)

  • Financial Inclusion: Meaning, Need, and Significance
  • Recent Innovations in Financial Markets for Stakeholders
  • Pro-poor Financial Innovations and Urban Finance
  • Role of Social Finance in Financial Inclusion

Unit 5: Social Enterprise and Impact Investing (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Meaning, Definition, and Features of Social Enterprises and Impact Investing
  • Social Enterprises in India
  • Capital for Social Enterprises: Venture Capital and Private Equity
  • Equity Infusion
  • Strategies Adopted by Investors in Social Enterprises

Unit 6: Sustainable Social Value Creation (Teaching Hours: 6)

  • Profitability Issues in Social Enterprises
  • Balancing Needs of Investors and Social Entrepreneurs
  • Measurement of Social Impact of Impact Investing

Unit 7: Crowd Funding (Teaching Hours: 12)

  • Meaning, Definition, Features of Crowd Funding
  • Origin and Development of Crowd Funding
  • Legal Status, Major Crowdfunded Projects
  • Types of Crowd Funding
  • Legal Framework for Crowd Funding, SEBI Guidelines

Essential References

  • Alex Nicholls, Rob Paton, and Jed Emerson (2015). Oxford University Press, Social Finance.
  • O.C. Rana and Hem Raj (2016). Himalaya Publishing House, Micro Finance.
  • social finance report.

Evaluation Pattern

Component Description Units Max Marks Weightage Total in Final Grade
CIA1 A Project Proposal on Social Finance 10 10 10% 10
CIA1 B Review of Literature 10 10 10% 10
CIA2 Data Collection 50 25 25% 25
CIA3 Result Analysis 20 20 20% 20
CIA4 Project Report 30 30 30% 30
Attendance 5 5
Total 100 100

See Complete Syllabus

See Complete Syllabus

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