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Course Information

Department Business and Management (BGR)
Course Code BFIB441A
Total Teaching Hours/Sem 60
Lecture Hours/Week 4
Max Marks 100
Credits 4

Course Description

This course focuses on the history, evolution, growth, and development of international business, strategies of multinational corporations (MNCs), government policies, and procedures applicable to Global Business. It aims to provide knowledge about Global Business operations through various learning methods.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the basics of Global Business and Trade.
  • To identify different modes of Global Business expansion.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of Globalization in the 21st Century.
  • To analyze the importance of Global Business-related institutions.
  • To develop documentation regarding export finance and promotion.

Course Outcomes

  1. CO-1: Explain the basics of Global Business and trade.
  2. CO-2: Identify different modes of Global Business expansion.
  3. CO-3: Evaluate the effectiveness of Globalization in the 21st century.
  4. CO-4: Analyze the importance of Global related institutions.
  5. CO-5: Develop detailed documentation for export-based or international operations.

Units Overview

Unit 1: Introduction to Global Business (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Evolution of International Business
  • Nature, Need, and Importance of International Business
  • Stages of Internationalization
  • MNCs and India, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • Concepts and Principles, General Policies
  • EPRG Approaches to International Business
  • Theories of International Business (Mercantilism, Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, etc.)
  • Tariff and Non-tariff Barriers
  • Political, Economic, Social-Cultural, and Technological Environment

Unit 2: Modes of Entering Global Business (Teaching Hours: 6)

  • International Business Analysis
  • Modes of Entry (Exporting, Licensing, Franchising, etc.)
  • Joint Ventures, Mergers, Acquisitions, Foreign Direct Investment
  • Comparison of Different Modes of Entry

Unit 3: Globalization (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • Meaning, Definition, Features
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization
  • Socio-Cultural, Political, Legal, and Economic Implications
  • Globalization and India, GATT, and WTO

Unit 4: International Marketing Intelligence (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Information Required
  • Sources of Information
  • International Marketing Information System
  • International Marketing Research

Unit 5: Introduction to Global Finance (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • Trade and Balance of Payment
  • Current and Capital Items
  • Disequilibrium of Balance of Payments
  • Components of International Financial Systems
  • FOREX Market, Euro Currency Market
  • IMF and International Monetary System
  • Exchange Rate Determination
  • Capital Account Convertibility

Unit 6: Export Financing and Documentation (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • Export Credits, Methods and Sources of Credit
  • Methods of Payments in International Business
  • Financing Techniques
  • RBI and EXIM Bank Functions
  • Important Trade Terms (CIF, FOB, etc.)
  • Export and Import Procedures
  • Document Requirements and Relevance

Unit 7: Export Promotion (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • Assistance and Incentives to Indian Exporters
  • Export Promotion Measures/Schemes
  • Role and Functions of DGFT, IIFT, RBI, ECGC, and EPCs
  • FDI Trends, Rules, and Regulations

Essential References

  • Rakesh, M. J. (2013). International Business, New Delhi, Oxford University Press.
  • Laura, H. & Werhane, P. H. (2013). The Global Corporation, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New Delhi.
  • John, B. C., & Parboteeah, K. P. (2011). International Business: Strategy and the Multinational Company, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New Delhi.
  • Varma, S. (2013). International Business, New Delhi, Pearson Publication.
  • Charles, H. (2011). International Business: Text & Cases, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill.
  • Warren, J. K. (2013). Global Marketing Management, New Delhi, Prentice Hall.

Evaluation Pattern

Component Description Max Marks Weightage Total in Final Grade
CIA1 Group/Individual Assignment 20 100% 20
CIA2 Mid Semester Examination 50 50% 25
CIA3 Group/Individual Assignment 20 100% 20
ESE End Semester Examination 50 60% 30
Attendance 5 100% 5
Total 100 100

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