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Course Information

Department Business and Management (BBA)
Course Code BBA433
Total Teaching Hours/Sem 60
Lecture Hours/Week 4
Max Marks 100
Credits 4

Course Description

This course aims to provide students with basic concepts of research and its processes. It focuses on inculcating a research culture among students through hands-on learning experiences, equipping them with the necessary skills for identifying, analyzing, and interpreting business problems for informed decision-making.

Course Objectives

  • Understand concepts, tools, and terminologies used in research.
  • Identify methods for investigating different types of problems and questions.
  • Gain hands-on experience with different research tools.
  • Construct research questions based on critical appraisal of existing research.
  • Develop research designs and analyze results to provide suggestions based on findings.

Course Outcomes

  1. CO 1: Demonstrate understanding of different research terminologies.
  2. CO 2: Identify research problems and questions.
  3. CO 3: Develop methodology for research problems.
  4. CO 4: Analyze data for business decision-making.
  5. CO 5: Propose suggestions based on research findings.

Units Overview

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Research (Teaching Hours: 6)

  • Meaning, Objectives, Purpose, Types, Scope, and Significance of Research in Business and Industry
  • Criteria for Good Research
  • Ethics in Research

Unit 2: Research Process (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Steps in Research
  • Identification and Formulation of Research Problem
  • Extensive Literature Review
  • Research Gap
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Need for the Study
  • Variables: Meaning and Types
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Research Questions
  • Deductive and Inductive Logic

Unit 3: Formulation of Research Problem and Hypotheses (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Identifying and Formulating Research Problem
  • Diagnosis of Symptoms and Problem
  • Setting Research Objectives
  • Review of Literature: Purpose, Methods
  • Hypothesis: Meaning, Purpose, Sources, Characteristics, Types, Formulation

Unit 4: Measurement Scales and Sampling Techniques (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Sample Design
  • Steps in Sampling Process
  • Sampling Methods: Probability and Non-probability
  • Sampling Error
  • Criteria for Good Sample
  • Determining Sample Size
  • Measurement: Types of Scales, Scaling Techniques

Unit 5: Data Collection (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Data Sources: Primary and Secondary
  • Data Collection Methods: Survey, Observation, Interview, Focus Group Technique
  • Data Collection Instruments
  • Construction of Questionnaire, Schedule
  • Characteristics of Good Instrument
  • Errors in Measurement
  • Reliability and Validity of Research Instruments

Unit 6: Data Analysis (Teaching Hours: 12)

  • Data Processing: Editing, Coding, Tabulation
  • Normality and Stationarity Test
  • Pictorial and Graphical Presentation of Data
  • Parametric and Non-parametric Hypothesis Testing
  • Statistical Tools: Descriptive, Chi-square, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation, Regression

Unit 7: Report Writing and Presentation of Results (Teaching Hours: 4)

  • Classification and Tabulation
  • Research Presentation
  • Types of Report: Research Proposal, Research Report
  • Format of a Report: Layout, Precautions
  • Citation and Referencing (APA, 6th Edition)

Essential References

  1. Kothari, C. R. (2019). Research Methodology Methods & Techniques (2 ed.). New Delhi: Vishwa Prakashan.
  1. Bryman, Alan and Bell, Emma (2011), Business Research Methods, 3/e, Oxford University Press.
  2. Chawla, D., & Sondhi, N. (2011). Research Methodology: Concepts and Cases. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
  3. Gupta, S. L and Gupta, Hitesh (2012), Business Research Methods, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi.
  4. Krishnaswamy, K.N., Sivakumar, A.I., Mathirajan, M (2007), Management Research Methodology, Pearson, New Delhi.
  5. Kothari, C. R. (2009). Research Methodology Methods & Techniques (2 ed.). New Delhi: Vishwa Prakashan.
  6. Krishnaswami, O., & Ranganatham, M. (2013). Methodology of Research in Social Sciences. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
  7. Majhi, P. R., & Khatua, P. K. (2013). Research Methodology (Concepts, Methods, Techniques and SPSS). Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
  8. Srivastava. T. N and Rego Shailaja (2012), Business Research Methodology, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.
  9. Bajpal, N. (2017). Business research methods. New Delhi: Pearson.

Evaluation Pattern

Component Description Units Max Marks Weightage Total in Final Grade
CIA1 Journal Review and Problem Identification 1, 2, 3 25 100% 25
CIA2 Hypothesis Formulation, Questionnaire Design & Sample Design 3, 4, 5 20 100% 20
CIA3 Data Collection and Analysis 5 & 6 20 100% 20
CIA4 Construct a Research Report and Presentation 7 50 60% 30
Class Participation 5 100% 5
Total 100 100

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