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Roles and Functions of EXIM Bank and RBI in India

Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank)


EXIM Bank, operated by the Government of India, is a key financial institution that facilitates international trade by offering financing and insurance services to businesses involved in exporting and importing.

Key Roles and Functions

Export Financing

  • Description: EXIM Bank provides comprehensive financial products such as pre-shipment and post-shipment finance, buyer's credit, supplier's credit, and project finance.
  • Purpose: Enhances the competitiveness of Indian exports through competitive financing terms and flexible repayment options.

Export Credit Insurance

  • Description: Offers insurance to cover the commercial and political risks associated with export transactions.
  • Purpose: Protects exporters against risks of non-payment by overseas buyers, insolvency, default, etc.

Trade Promotion

  • Description: Facilitates various trade promotion activities to boost the global reach of Indian exports.
  • Purpose: Conducts market research, organizes trade delegations and exhibitions, and provides advisory services to exporters.

Policy Advocacy

  • Description: Engages in policy advocacy to support export promotion and economic development.
  • Purpose: Collaborates with government, industry bodies, and international entities to develop strategies that enhance economic growth and export performance.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)


The RBI is India's central bank, established in 1935 and nationalized in 1949. It plays a crucial role in the country's monetary policy and financial stability.

Key Roles and Functions

Monetary Authority

  • Description: Acts as the central monetary authority, formulating and implementing monetary policy.
  • Purpose: Maintains price stability and ensures adequate flow of credit to support economic growth, including export activities.

Regulation and Supervision

  • Description: Regulates and supervises financial institutions like commercial banks, cooperative banks, and NBFCs.
  • Purpose: Sets guidelines for export financing, foreign exchange transactions, and oversees capital flows to ensure stability.

Foreign Exchange Management

  • Description: Manages foreign exchange reserves and regulates foreign exchange transactions.
  • Purpose: Develops policies related to export financing, foreign currency borrowings, and exchange rate management.

Export Financing

  • Description: Facilitates export financing by setting guidelines for credit availability through financial institutions.
  • Purpose: Supports export-oriented industries through refinancing schemes and concessional finance programs.

Trade Facilitation

  • Description: Guides trade finance instruments like LCs, bank guarantees, and documentary collections.
  • Purpose: Facilitates international trade and payments, ensuring transactions are smooth and secure.
Aspect EXIM Bank RBI
Establishment Established in 1982 Established in 1935
Ownership Owned by the Government of India Owned by the Government of India
Primary Function Facilitates financing of India's international trade Central bank responsible for monetary policy, currency issuance, and financial stability
Export Financing Provides direct financial assistance for export-oriented projects Regulates and oversees export financing through other financial institutions
Import Financing Provides financial assistance for import transactions Does not provide direct import financing
Export Promotion Offers advisory and consultancy services to promote exports Does not engage directly in promoting exports
Export Credit Insurance Provides export credit insurance to exporters Does not offer export credit insurance directly
Foreign Exchange Management Engages in foreign exchange transactions Formulates and implements foreign exchange policies and regulations
Monetary Policy Not involved in formulating monetary policy Formulates and implements monetary policy
Banking Regulation Not involved in banking regulation Regulates and supervises banking institutions
Currency Issuance Does not issue currency Sole authority for issuing currency in India
Financial Stability Not directly responsible for maintaining financial stability Responsible for maintaining financial stability in India

This comparison table highlights the distinctive roles and functions of EXIM Bank and RBI concerning India's exports and overall financial governance.

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