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Course Information

Department Business and Management (BGR)
Course Code BBH434
Total Teaching Hours/Sem 60
Lecture Hours/Week 4
Max Marks 100
Credits 4

Course Description

This course covers the fundamentals of Information Systems (IS) in a business context and explores e-business models and technologies. It aims to equip students with the skills required to identify and solve managerial issues using IS and to understand the role of IS in decision-making processes.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the role of information systems in businesses.
  • To apply data management tools to address data warehousing issues.
  • To analyze information systems alongside emerging technologies.
  • To identify practical application areas of e-business models and technologies.
  • To discuss ethical perspectives in data management.

Course Outcomes

  1. CO1: Relate theoretical knowledge of Information Systems with real-world data systems.
  2. CO2: Apply data management tools for data warehousing issues.
  3. CO3: Analyze Information systems with emerging technologies.
  4. CO4: Identify practical application areas of e-business models and technologies.
  5. CO5: Discuss ethical perspectives in data management.

Units Overview

Unit 1: Foundation of Information Systems (Teaching Hours: 6)

  • Concept of Information System
  • Role of Information System in Business
  • Trends in Information System
  • Types of Information System
  • Components of Information System
  • Information System Resources and Activities
  • Business Process
  • Role of Information Systems Function in Business

Unit 2: Data Resource Management (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • DBMS Concepts and Models
  • Latest Trends in Business Intelligence Infrastructure
  • Data Warehouse, Analytical Tools
  • Data Mining, Web Mining, Text Mining
  • Information Policy for Managing Firm’s Data Resources

Unit 3: Emerging Technologies (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • Digital Transformation in Business
  • Overview of Emerging Technologies
  • Data Analytics, Machine Learning, AI
  • Connected Clouds, Augmented Reality, IoT
  • Big Data, Industry 4.0
  • Future Technologies

Unit 4: E-Business (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • Introduction to E-Business
  • Cross-Functional Enterprise Application and Architecture
  • Functional Business Systems
  • IT in Marketing, Manufacturing, HR, Financial Management Systems

Unit 5: E-Commerce (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • E-Commerce Today
  • New E-Commerce (SMAC)
  • Key Concepts in E-Commerce
  • E-Commerce Types and Business Models
  • Revenue Models
  • Social E-Commerce and Social Network Marketing
  • E-Payment Systems

Unit 6: M-Commerce (Teaching Hours: 9)

  • Emerging Mobile Digital Platform
  • Evolution of M-Commerce
  • M-Commerce Applications and Challenges
  • Components of Mobile Commerce
  • Payment Systems
  • Growth of M-Commerce and Business Impact

Unit 7: Ethical and Social Challenges in Information Systems (Teaching Hours: 7)

  • Ethical and Social Issues in Systems
  • Legal Issues, Privacy Issues
  • Ethical Issues, Accountability and Liability
  • Internet Challenges to Privacy
  • Information Act in India

Essential References

  • Laudon & Laudon (2019). Management Information Systems in Digital Era. Pearson Publications. UK.
  • O’Brien James A, Marakas M George (2015). Management Information Systems. McGraw-Hill Publishers, India.

Evaluation Pattern

MSE & ESE QP Patterns:

Duration: 2 Hrs | Max Marks: 50

(Only Application Oriented Questions)

Section A: 3 Questions x 5 Marks = 15 Marks (3 out of 5 to be answered) Section B: 2 Questions x 10 Marks = 20 Marks (2 out of 3 to be answered) Section C: 1 Case Study x 15 Marks = 15 Marks (Compulsory Question)

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