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Course Information

Department Business and Management
Course Code BFIB442A
Total Teaching Hours/Sem 60
Lecture Hours/Week 4
Max Marks 100
Credits 4

Course Description

This course explores the development of international marketing programs from the determination of objectives and methods of organization through the execution of research, advertising, distribution, and production activities. It examines international similarities and differences in marketing functions related to various environmental aspects.

Course Objectives

  1. Apply key terms, definitions, and concepts used in international marketing.
  2. Evaluate different cultural, political, and legal environments influencing international trade.
  3. Apply basic internationally oriented marketing strategies.
  4. Discuss the role of information technology in global decision-making.
  5. Define creative international market entry strategies.

Course Outcomes

  • CO-1: Understanding of basic international marketing concepts and terminology.
  • CO-2: Analyze the impact of environmental factors on international marketing.
  • CO-3: Understand the basics of marketing mix elements globally.
  • CO-4: Identify new technologies used in international marketing.
  • CO-5: Develop strategies for marketing communication.

Units Overview

Unit 1: Introduction to Global Marketing (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Principles of Marketing: Competitive Advantage, Globalization, Global Industries
  • The Importance of International Marketing
  • Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing
  • The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing

Unit 2: International Segmentation and Positioning (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Global Market segmentation
  • Assessing Market potential and choosing Target Markets
  • Targeting and Target Market strategy options
  • Positioning

Unit 3: Brand and Product Decisions in Global Marketing (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Basic Products Concepts
  • Basic Branding Concept
  • A Need-Based Approach to Product Planning
  • “Country of Origin” as Brand Element
  • Extend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in Global Marketing
  • New Products in Global Marketing
  • Theory of New Product Lifecycle and its implications

Unit 4: Pricing Decisions - Basic Pricing Concepts (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Global Pricing Objectives and Strategies
  • Environmental Influences on Pricing Decisions
  • Global Pricing: Three Policy Alternatives
  • Gray Market Goods
  • Dumping, Price Fixing, Transfer Pricing
  • Countertrade

Unit 5: Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution (Teaching Hours: 8)

  • Distribution Channels: Objectives, Terminology, Structure
  • Establishing Channels and Working with Channel Intermediaries
  • Global Retailing, Types of Retail Operations, Trends in Global Retailing
  • Global Retailing Market Expansion Strategies
  • Physical Distribution, Supply Chains, and Logistics Management

Unit 6: Global Marketing Communications Decisions (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Global Advertising
  • Advertising Agencies: Organizations and Brands
  • Creating Global Advertising
  • Global Media Decisions
  • Public Relations and Publicity
  • Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, and Special Forms of Marketing Communication

Unit 7: Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution (Teaching Hours: 10)

  • Brief History on Digital Revolution
  • Convergence, Value networks and Disruptive Technologies
  • Global E-commerce, Website design and Implementation
  • New product and Services: Broadband, Cloud computing, Smart-phones, Mobile advertising and Mobile commerce, Mobile music, Mobile and online gaming, Mobile Payments, Streaming video, Internet phone service, Digital Books and Reading devices, Wearables and other gadgets based marketing

Essential References

  • Warren J. Keegan & Mark C.Green (2018). 9th Edition, Global Marketing, Pearson Education.
  • Caterora. P, Gilly .M & Graham. J (2011). 15th Edition, International Marketing, Tata-McGraw-Hill Publications.
  • Czinkota M.R., Ronkanen, I.A. M.H (2013). 10h Edition, International Marketing. Cengage Learning.
  • Holensen Svend & Banerjee Madhumitha (2010). 4th Edition, Global Marketing with a special Indian Focus, Pearson Education.

Evaluation Pattern

Component Marks
CIA 1 20
CIA 2 50 (25)
CIA 3 20
End Sem 50 (30)
Attendance 5

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